Thursday, September 6, 2007

An introduction to Telekinesis or Psychokinesis

It took a while before we were able to write another journal.. we couldn't find anything worthy of documenting lately. However, for those who don't know what is Telekinesis, here is something to give you an idea..

Telekinesis or otherwise known as Psychokinesis (PK) is defined as the power of "mind over matter" or otherwise defined as the ability to influence objects using ones thought.

Telekinesis (distant movement), however, is an old term to describe such ability, it is now commonly called Psychokinesis. This word comes from the Greek word psyche meaning life or soul, and kineisis meaning to move. Experts say that it is about the movement of energy from faster moving frequency to the physical level.

As we know, physical energy is created by electromagnetic impulses, while universal life force energy or psychic energy, otherwise called Chi, is an unseen energy present in ourselves and in our surroundings. In Telekinesis, one taps into Chi energy then combines it with physical energy.

Telekinesis, however, cannot be done by just wishing it to happen, it may take some understanding with regards to its nature, a total confidence with no shred of doubt, a lot of practice, and an uninterrupted concentration before one could hope to pull it out.

Is it Fact or Fiction?

There have been anecdotal reports of such apparent phenomena throughout history in various cultures. For example, poltergeist activity is typically characterized by objects being moved without apparent explanation, though some people claim that this is accounted for as unintentional PK by children going through puberty.

As with all psi phenomena, there is wide disagreement and controversy within the sciences and even within the field of parapsychology as to the very existence of psychokinesis and the validity or interpretation of PK-related experiments.

However, we manage to find videos of actual performances.. There are a lot of it, however, some of it may be fake so we took on the most popular and well documented of them all..

PK feats by Nina Kulagina

Final Note:

As you can see guys, Psychokinesis is one of the things that prove that there are other forces unknown to man, that even our science could not support, simply because it has no way of proving it. The irony is that we believe on other invisible forces like gravity, and yet cannot believe or accept that PK, an invisible force, is real. My point is, if gravity is a force generated by atomic/subatomic particles, why can't PK be the same? After all, man is also compose of atoms, and is made of the same elements that comprise the universe? So, if the universe could generate such force? Would it be impossible for man to generate one?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

AL2Fenrir's Paranormal Experience

You guys may wonder why the authors of this Site have created journals that regards the paranormal. Well, they are not just for mere amusement alone, these are in fact, collective reports that have been gathered from many different sources, including that of our own personal experiences, and those of others. We don't, however, force anyone to believe, it's definitely up to you guys. After all, we don't have enough tangible proof to support our claims.

You can call me AL2Fenrir, I'm one of the authors of Astral Journals, and what I will share with you is an experience that I once had, an experience that I, most probably, won't be able to forget, in fact, this is one of the things that compels me to keep on researching the paranormal.

I was baptized in the Roman Catholic religion, but when I was in my late teens, I change religion to MICC (Metro Iloilo Christian Church). However, I became a fall away and had no religion thereafter. I remained to be a God (Divine Entity) believer, but at the same time, a nature worshiper. I was that until I decided to switch back to Roman Catholic.

It occurred to me when I was still in college. One night, around 7pm, I was busying myself with my PC when suddenly, my grandma entered the house. I didn't mind at first because it was just a usual event, or so I thought. To my surprise, however, she did not went into her room as she usually does, instead, she went outside through another door (the back door). I could hear her footsteps as she passes me from behind the walls up until it dissipated. That didn't bother me so I went back to my work.

Around 8pm, I heard a knock at the gate, so I rush in to see who was outside. It was my grandmother, however, she was wearing different clothes, one that's completely different from that of the figure I recently saw. I asked her if she came home, change clothes, and left. She told me that she didn't, so I told her everything that took place. She just laugh at me and said that what I saw was a spirit, she calls it, "our neighbor". She then told me that she once had a shaman look into our house after encountering the same phenomenon, and the shaman revealed it to her through an egg and a bottle. The shaman ordered her to hold an egg from our house up to the shaman's place, the shaman then broke the egg and poured it into a bottle filled with a liquid, then chants a ritual. She swears that she saw our house in the bottle, and moreover, she saw a palace near our residence, this is something which is not supposed to be there.

My experience on this one had lead me into believing that unseen beings exist within our plane, but I later change that concept after reading a lot of writings from paranormal experts and psychics. However, I found some relevant information from the said writings. I came to believe that what grandma saw in the shaman's bottle was the gate that connects our physical plane into another plane, and what I saw was an Astral Entity.

Shortly thereafter, I came to believe the existence of Fallen Angels, in fact, I had found some evidence written in the Bible. I had thought that those Astral Entities were Fallen Angels, and that they have something to do with the strange phenomena that people keep experiencing despite the rarity of instances. Unfortunately, after delving into these studies, I began to felt something weird. I can now feel their presence.. I don't know if it was paranoia, but one time, around 3am in the morning, I saw another one outside the window of my room. It was a shadow of a man. Now, our house is two stories high, I'm in the second story, and outside my window is a roof. At first, I thought it was a thief so I peeked through the window, and guess what? I saw nothing! If that thing was ordinary, he couldn't just disappear like that, unless, he jumps down from a 10ft. roof. And even if he ever survives the stunt unscathed, he had no way to run but climb the main gate since our house is surrounded by high walls, but no, he just disappeared and was nowhere to be found. This is the second time I had a paranormal encounter.

Since the encounters, I began experiencing nightmares, often that of my dead grandfather. I had seen him died more than 10 times in my dream, it just keeps on repeating over and over again. I had also been into odd worlds. In one dream, I saw beautiful plants, and on another, I saw monstrous ones. Strangely enough, I saw these plants growing just outside our residence. But, what really scared me is when I suffered sleep paralysis. It occurred to me more than 5 times already, and in one event, someone pulled me out of my bed. I couldn't see who was pulling me but I had the feeling that it was a girl. I wanted to follow her but I was hesitant. She pulled hard but was unable to drag me. When she gave up, that's when I was able to woke up (in the same position where she left me). However, this was not the last time I saw her.

There were about more than one dream where I saw that girl. Sometimes she appeared with a black hair, and sometimes appears with a blond hair. My question is.. who was her? Could it be that she's my spirit guide? Or maybe she's just a figment of my imagination. Well, I have no idea.

Up until this day, I keep dreaming of weird events, often predictions of places I have yet to explore, and of events that are yet to happen. I feel like the more I believe in these things, the more it becomes a reality, and this is not natural.

Final Note

Our team are not experts on this subject, however, we try to understand each of the subjects properly, and most of the time, we ended up basing our judgments from ideas and opinions of the experts.

We strongly believe that every mystery is a piece of the puzzle, who knows what we'll come up after putting them all together. This is just our two cents for the subject matter.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Parapsychology: A Pseudoscience?

We have been looking on the term Parapsychology lately, and found some shocking discoveries that is enough to put down this particular branch of science.

What we discovered is that Parapsychology had been branded as a fringe science, simply because it involves research that does not fit within standard theoretical models accepted by mainstream science. Note that when we say Fringe Science it is subsumed as Pseudoscience or "Fake Science."

But before anything else, let's define Parapsychology..

Parapsychology came from the Greek (παρά) para, which means "alongside", (ψυχή) psukhē for "soul or spirit", and (λόγος) logos or "knowledge". It is a branch of science that branched out from Psychology. It is the study of paranormal psychological phenomena, such as extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, and survival of consciousness after death. Parapsychologists call these processes psi, a term non-suggestive of what causes the phenomena or experiences.

Parapsychological research involves a variety of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and takes place at a small number of universities and privately funded laboratories found throughout the world.

According to Skeptical Researchers

Skeptical researchers suggest that methodological flaws best explain apparently successful experimental results, as opposed to the anomalistic explanations offered by many parapsychologists. Critical analysts argue that parapsychology crosses the line into pseudoscience. To date, no evidence has been accepted by the mainstream scienctific community as irrefutably supporting paranormal phenomena.


The term parapsychology was coined in or before 1889 by psychologist Max Dessoir. It was adapted by J.B. Rhine in the 1930s as a replacement for the term psychical research, to indicate a significant shift toward laboratory methodologies applied to the study of psychical phenomena.

Early Psychical Research

The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was founded in London in 1882. The SPR was the first systematic effort to organize scientists and scholars for a critical and sustained investigation of paranormal phenomena. The early membership of the SPR included philosophers, scholars, scientists, educators and politicians, such as Henry Sidgwick, Arthur Balfour, William Crookes, and Charles Richet.

The SPR classified its subjects of study into several areas: telepathy, hypnotism, Reichenbach's phenomena, apparitions, haunts, and the physical aspects of spiritual such as table-tilting and the appearance of matter from unknown sources, otherwise known as materialization. One of the first collaborative efforts of the SPR was its Census of Hallucinations, which researched apparitional experiences and hallucinations in the sane. The census was the Society's first attempt at a statistical evaluation of paranormal phenomena, and the resulting publication in 1886, Phantasms of the Living is still widely referenced in parapsychological literature today.

The SPR became the model for similar societies in other European countries and the United States during the late 19th century. Largely due to the support of psychologist William James, the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) opened its doors in New York City in 1885.

Today, the SPR and ASPR continue the investigation of psi phenomena. The SPR's purpose, as stated in every issue of its journal is "to examine without prejudice or prepossession and in a scientific spirit those faculties of man, real or supposed, which appear to be inexplicable on any general recognized hypothesis."

Rhine era

In 1911, Stanford University became the first academic institution in the United States to study extra-sensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK) in a laboratory setting. The effort was headed by psychologist John Edgar Coover. In 1930, Duke University became the second major U.S. academic institution to engage in the critical study of ESP and psychokinesis in the laboratory. Under the guidance of psychologist William McDougall, and the help of others in the department, including psychologists Karl Zener, Joseph B. Rhine and Louisa E. Rhine, laboratory ESP experiments began, using volunteer subjects from the undergraduate student body. As opposed to the approaches of psychical research, which generally sought qualitative evidence for paranormal phenomena, the experiments at Duke University proffered a quantitative, statistical approach using cards and dice. As a consequence of the ESP experiments at Duke, standard laboratory procedures for the testing of ESP developed and came to be adopted by interested researchers throughout the world.

The publication of J.B. Rhine's book, New Frontiers of the Mind (1937), brought the laboratory's findings to the general public. In his book, Rhine popularized the word "parapsychology," which psychologist Max Dessoir had coined over forty years earlier, to describe the research conducted at Duke. Rhine also founded an autonomous Parapsychology Laboratory within Duke, and started the Journal of Parapsychology, which he co-edited with McDougall.

The parapsychology experiments at Duke evoked much criticism from academic psychologists who challenged the concepts and evidence of ESP. Rhine and his colleagues attempted to address these criticisms through new experiments, articles and books, and summarized the state of the criticism along with their responses in the book Extra-Sensory Perception After Sixty Years.

The administration of Duke grew less sympathetic to parapsychology, and after Rhine's retirement in 1965, parapsychological links with the university were broken. Rhine later established the Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man (FRNM) and the Institute for Parapsychology as a successor to the Duke laboratory. In 1995, the centenary of Rhine's birth, the FRNM was renamed the Rhine Research Center. Today, the Rhine Research Center is a parapsychology research unit, stating that it "aims to improve the human condition by creating a scientific understanding of those abilities and sensitivities that appear to transcend the ordinary limits of space and time."

Establishment of the Parapsychological Association

The Parapsychological Association (PA) was created in Durham, North Carolina, on June 19th, 1957. Its formation was proposed by J.B. Rhine at a workshop on parapsychology, which was held at Parapsychology Laboratory of Duke University. Rhine proposed that the group form itself into the nucleus of an international professional society in parapsychology. The aim of the organization, as stated in its Constitution became "to advance parapsychology as a science, to disseminate knowledge of the field, and to integrate the findings with those of other branches of science.

Under the direction of anthropologist Margaret Mead, the Parapsychological Association took a large step in advancing the field of parapsychology in 1969 when they became affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the largest general scientific society in the world. In 1979, physicist John A. Wheeler argued that parapsychology is pseudoscientific, and that the affiliation of the PA to the AAAS needed to be reconsidered. His challenge to parapsychology's AAAS affiliation was unsuccessful. Today, the PA consists of about three hundred full, associate and affiliated members worldwide, and maintains its affiliation with the AAAS. The annual AAAS convention provides a forum where parapsychologists can present their research to scientists from other fields, and advance parapsychology in the context of the AAAS's lobbying on national science policy.

Decade of increased research (1970s)

The affiliation of the Parapsychological Association (PA) with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, along with a general openness to psychic and occult phenomena in the 1970s, led to a decade of increased parapsychological research. During this period, other notable organizations were also formed, including the Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine (1970), the Institute of Parascience (1971), the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research, the Institute of Noetic Sciences (1973), the International Kirlian Research Association (1975), and the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (1979). Parapsychological work was also conducted at the Stanford Research Institute during this time.

The scope of parapsychology expanded during these years. Psychiatrist Ian Stevenson conducted much of his controversial research into reincarnation during the 1970s. Psychologist Thelma Moss devoted time to the study of Kirlian photography at UCLA's parapsychology laboratory. The influx of spiritual teachers from the East, and their claims of abilities produced by meditation, led to research on altered states of consciousness. Physicist Russell Targ introduced the term remote viewing in 1974.

During this period, academics outside parapsychology also appeared to have a general optimism towards this research. In 1979, a survey of more than 1,100 college professors in the U.S. found that only 2% of psychologists expressed the belief that extra-sensory perception was an impossibility. A far greater amount, 34%, indicated that they believed ESP was either an established fact or a likely possibility. The percentage was even higher in other areas of study. 55% of natural scientists, 66% of social scientists (excluding psychologists), and 77% of academics in the arts, humanities, and education believed that ESP research was worthwhile.

The surge in paranormal research continued throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s. By the end of the 1980s the Parapsychological Association reported members working in more than 30 countries. Additionally, research not affiliated with the PA was being carried out in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Parapsychology Today

Contemporary parapsychological research has waned considerably. Early research was considered inconclusive, and parapsychologists were faced with strong opposition from their academic colleagues. Some effects thought to be paranormal, for example, the effects of Kirlian photography, disappeared under more stringent controls, leaving those avenues of research at dead-ends. Many university laboratories in the United States have closed, citing a lack of acceptance by mainstream science as the reason, leaving the bulk of parapsychology confined to private institutions funded by private sources. After 28 years of research, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (PEAR) retired their laboratory in 2007.

Two universities in the United States still have academic parapsychology laboratories: the Division of Perceptual Studies, a unit at the University of Virginia's Department of Psychiatric Medicine, studies the possibility of survival of consciousness after bodily death; the University of Arizona's Veritas Laboratory conducts laboratory investigations of mediums. Several private institutions, including the Institute of Noetic Sciences and others, conduct and promote parapsychological research. Britain leads parapsychological study in Europe, with privately funded laboratories at the universities of Edinburgh, Northampton and Liverpool Hope, among others.

Parapsychological research has also been augmented by other sub-disciplines of psychology. These related fields include transpersonal psychology, which studies transcendent or spiritual aspects of the human mind, and anomalistic psychology, which examines paranormal beliefs and subjective anomalous experiences in traditional psychological terms.

The Scope of Parapsychology

Parapsychologists study a number of ostensible paranormal phenomena, including but not limited to:

Telepathy: Transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five classical senses.

Precognition: Perception of information about future places or events before they occur. This also includes the ability to sense impending danger.

Clairvoyance: Obtaining information about places or events at remote locations, by means unknown to current science.

Psychokinesis (PK): The ability of the mind to influence matter, time, space, or energy by means unknown to current science.

Reincarnation: The rebirth of a soul or other non-physical aspect of human consciousness in a new physical body after death.

Hauntings: Phenomena often attributed to ghosts and encountered in places a deceased individual is thought to have frequented, or in association with the person's former belongings.

According to the Parapsychological Association, parapsychologists do not study all paranormal phenomena, nor are they concerned with astrology, UFOs, Bigfoot, paganism, vampires, alchemy, or witchcraft.


Parapsychologists employ a variety of approaches during the study of apparent paranormal phenomena. These methods include approaches used in traditional psychology, but also quantitative emperical methodologies. Their more controversial studies involve the use of meta-analysis in examining the statistical evidence for psi.

Anomalous Psychology

A number of studies conducted in the American, European, and Australasian continents have found that a majority of people surveyed report having had experiences that could be interpreted as telepathy, precognition, and similar phenomena. Variables that have been associated with reports of psi-phenomena include belief in the reality of psi, the tendency to have hypnotic, dissociative, and other alterations of consciousness, and, less reliably so, neuroticism, extraversion, and openness to experience. Although psi-related experiences can occur in the context of such psychopathologies as schizotypal personality, dissociative, and other disorders, most individuals who endorse a belief in psi are well-adjusted, lack serious pathology, and are not intellectually deficient or lacking critical abilities.


Fabricated images of ghosts such as this were very popular in the 19th century.Scientists who are critical of parapsychology begin with the assertion that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. Proponents of hypotheses that contradict centuries of scientific research must provide extraordinary evidence if their hypotheses are to be taken seriously. Many analysts of parapsychology hold that the entire body of evidence to date is of poor quality and not properly controlled; in their view, the entire field of parapsychology has produced no conclusive results whatsoever. They often cite instances of fraud, flawed or potentially flawed studies, a psychological need for mysticism, and cognitive bias as ways to explain parapsychological results. Some skeptics also contend that people's desire to believe in paranormal phenomena is often stronger than the evidence that it does not exist.

The reality of parapsychological phenomena and the scientific validity of parapsychological research is a matter of continued dispute. The methods of parapsychologists are regarded by some detractors as a pseudoscience. Some of the more specific criticisms state that parapsychology does not have a clearly defined subject matter, an easily repeatable experiment that can demonstrate a psi effect on demand, nor an underlying theory to explain the paranormal transfer of information. James E. Alcock, Professor of Psychology at York University, said that few of parapsychology's experimental results have prompted interdisciplinary research with more mainstream sciences such as physics or biology. Alcock states that parapsychology remains isolated science to such an extent that its very legitimacy is questionable, and as a whole is not justified in being labeled "scientific".


Stage magician and debunker James Randi is a well-known critic of parapsychology and feels that magic tricks can account for what appears to be psychic phenomena. Stage magician and debunker James Randi is a well-known critic of parapsychology and feels that magic tricks can account for what appears to be psychic phenomena.

There have been instances of fraud in the history of parapsychology research. The Soal-Goldney experiments of 1941-43 (suggesting precognitive ability in subjects) were long regarded as some of the best in the field because they relied upon independent checking and witnesses to prevent fraud. However, many years later, suspicions of fraud were confirmed when statistical evidence, uncovered and published by other parapsychologists in the field, indicated that Dr. Soal had cheated by altering the raw data.

Walter J. Levy, director of the Institute for Parapsychology, reported on a series of successful ESP experiments involving computer-controlled manipulation of non-human subjects, including eggs and rats. His experiments showed very high positive results. Because the subjects were non-human, and because the experimental environment was mostly automated, his successful experiments avoided criticism concerning experimenter effects, and removed the question of the subject's belief as an influence on the outcome. However, Levy's fellow researchers became suspicious about his methods. They found that Levy interfered with data-recording equipment, manually creating fraudulent strings of positive results. Rhine fired Levy and reported the fraud in a number of articles.

Many spiritualist mediums used fraud, and some were exposed by early psychical researchers such as Richard Hodgson and Harry Price. In the 1920s, magician and escapologist Harry Houdini said that researchers and observers could not create experimental procedures which absolutely preclude fraud. In 1979, magician and debunker James Randi perpetrated a hoax, now referred to as Project Alpha. Randi trained two young magicians and sent them under cover to Washington University's McDonnell Laboratory with the specific aim of exposing poor experimental methods and the credulity thought to be common in parapsychology. Although no formal statements or publications from the McDonnell laboratory supported the likelihood that the effects demonstrated by the two magicians were genuine, both of Randi's trainees reportedly deceived experimenters over a period of four years with demonstrations of supposedly telekinetic metal bending. Such methodological failures have been cited as evidence that most, if not all, extraordinary results in parapsychology derive from error or fraud.

Criticism of experimental results

Although some critical analysts feel that parapsychological study is scientific, they are not satisfied with its experimental results. Skeptical reviewers contend that apparently successful experimental results in psi research are more likely due to sloppy procedures, poorly trained researchers, or methodological flaws than to genuine psi effects. For example, the data from the PEAR laboratory has been criticized by researchers such as statistics professor Jessica Utts and psychologist Ray Hyman. Utts has stated that these experiments suffered numerous problems with regard to randomization, statistical baselines and the application of statistical models, and that the significance values quoted in the experiments were meaningless due to defects in experimental and statistical procedures of the studies.

Because psi is a negatively defined concept, a typical measure of the evidence for such phenomena in parapsychological experiments is statistical deviation from chance expectation. However, critics point out that statistical deviation from chance is, strictly speaking, only evidence of a statistical anomaly, or that some unknown variable was causing the deviation from chance. Hyman contends that even if experiments could be made to reproduce the findings of certain parapsychological studies under specificed conditions, this would be a far cry from concluding that psychic functioning has been demonstrated. It has also been stated that assuming psi exists is affirming the consequent or begging the question. Reasoning that (1) if a person is psychic, then that individual will do better than chance in experiments, and (2) since that person does better than chance, then, (3) that person must be psychic, would be considered the fallacy of affirming the consequent.

Selection bias and meta-analysis

Selective reporting has been offered by critics as an explanation for the positive results reported by parapsychologists. Selective reporting is sometimes referred to as a "file drawer" problem, which arises when only positive study results are made public, while studies with negative or null results are not made public. Selective reporting has a compounded effect on meta-analysis, which is a statistical technique that aggregates the results of many studies in order to generate sufficient statistical power to demonstrate a result that the individual studies themselves could not demonstrate at a statistically significant level. For example, a recent meta-analysis combined 380 studies on psychokinesis, including data from the PEAR lab. It concluded that, although there is a statistically significant overall effect, it is not consistent and relatively few negative studies would cancel it out. Consequently, biased publication of positive results could be the cause.

The popularity of meta-analysis in parapsychology has been criticized by numerous researchers, and is often seen as troublesome even within parapsychology itself. Critics have said that parapsychologists misuse meta-analysis to create the incorrect impression that statistically significant results have been obtained which indicate the existence psi phenomena.

Critical analysts also contend that the practice of meta-analysis is post hoc. The evaluation of the metholological quality of a study, after it is done and the results are known, can create opportunity for biases to affect the analyses. Various strategies, methods and criteria can be selected, which provide an opportunity for selecting outcomes that are consistent with the expectations of the analyst. It is not uncommon to find that two or more meta-analyses done at about the same time by investigators with the same access to the literature reach incompatible or even contradictory conclusions.

Final Notes

We have a few questions of our own regarding Parapsychology, and although we regarded this as one of the basis of our team's research, our team has to remain neutral if it is to achieve the ultimate truth. First, how can science and its theoretical basis prove something which is beyond its understanding? Is there any natural law that would fit into such unnatural phenomena that is parapsychology's object of study? Second, if there are underlying causes, would it be best to understand its fundamental laws first before jumping into conclusions? We cannot prove something which we couldn't understand, could we?

Fact of the matter is, our science is limited only to the understanding of the Physical laws of nature, and it does not include other laws that is beyond its context. Therefore, since one deals with the natural while the other deals with the unnatural, Parapsychology and science will most certainly oppose each other, and if Parapsychology continues to stick with science, no doubt, it will never see the light. So, until someone understands what's going on, people would more likely be thrown into a whirl of confusion.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Religion: Its influence towards people's beliefs

You guys may be wondering why our team suddenly shifts from ghosts to a religion topic. Now why would we do this? You see, we wanted to let you guys know that Religion affects your beliefs, and in consequence, it affects your personality and your entire being. Such beliefs could affect your perception towards the universe, and this could also alter your sense of reality.

Yes, religion plays a vital role in our lives, and is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It reshapes you to conform with the uniformity of the type of religion which you practice.

So, let's ask ourselves, what is the true religion? We will not answer that! That my friend is up to you, but as long as you know that it saves you from utter destruction, then that is the right religion for you. However, there are things in this universe that we cannot deny, and this things remain constant despite your way of belief. What are they? We don't know for certain, all we know is that they exist in a different level of existence and sometimes manifest for an unknown reason. We can call these things as Astral beings or beings of another dimension. So, here is a question, could the god you worship be one of them?

Note that the word god refers to a supreme being, whose powers are unmatched, in other words, of all the Astral Beings, God is the one who excels among others. However, let's not debate on this. Let facts handle this one instead of opinions, and one of the facts is, no one among us could fathom the mystery of the entire universe. So, for those who think they know everything, guess again.

What is Religion?

A religion is a set of common beliefs and practices generally held by a group of people. It refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction.

Men without Religion

People who have no religion are called "Atheist" or the "godless". They are skeptical of all supernatural beings and cite a lack of empirical evidence for the existence of deities. They tend toward secular philosophies such as humanism and naturalism, and there is no ideology or set of behaviors to which they adhere.

With and without Religion and how it affects man

For the atheists, living without a religion is like driving through a dark road with your headlights turned off. They can be easily influenced by the environment from which they grew. And, of course, genetics also play a vital role in the type of personality they will manifest. Atheists will always be skeptics depending on their beliefs whether it be strong or weak. For instance, if a man has its mind fixed on the belief that there is no god or any astral beings, he will attempt to deny their existence through scientific rationalization, and will even deny any evidences presented up to the point that he himself experiences it. For a weak atheist, however, they may suddenly become a believer upon presentation of evidence.

Religious people, on the other hand, believes in a deity. By believing on a particular deity or a being of the supernatural, they immediately open their minds to many possibilities. They also came to adapt the rules and guidelines of that religion to make it their own personal guideline. So, what we have is a religion driven society where religion dictates what must be done, but this may not always be the case. Man is still accounted for what he believes in.

Religion heavily influences man's beliefs, as much as experience does. By believing in something, we could even alter our reality.
"I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him."

Mark 11:23
From the Holy Bible
Final Note

We would like to add that religion may or may not work for you. It may or may not save you. Its effect on our lives varies to how strong our belief is. However, religion may also confuse us, and could also lead us into harm's way. We cannot tell which religion does what, but we believe that it is up to the person involved to seek out for a religion that does best for himself.

Furthermore, we would like to add that your religion may tell you the truth, but may also deceive you with lies, and this will indeed affect your perception of the universe, your perception of reality.

Monday, August 20, 2007

A study on Ghosts

What are ghosts? No one knows for certain. However, there are quiet many theories surrounding these astral entities, and most people believe that they are spirits of the dead. This belief seems to be the widely accepted one, and we can call it as the traditional belief.

So now, are ghosts real? We will not answer that question directly, instead, we will throw a counter question like how was it included in the dictionary in the first place? Why would our ancestors create such a term if it didn't exist? Did someone dream of them and thought they were real, or someone had actually seen them and thought they were dreaming? Perhaps ghosts are not true, but could we just dismiss the claims of over a million individuals who keep telling the tale even since ancient times? Yes, the word "Ghost" had been foretold over and over again, and its popularity doesn't seem to diminish. In fact, in the advent of science and technology, it only revealed itself even more. Authentic photographs of ghosts were taken, actual videos were captured, and mysterious noises had been recorded, all these eventually prompted science to create another branch which is known as Parapsychology. We are now attempting to explain that which could not be explained. So now, does this convinces anyone?

The Traditional Belief

Ghost is the right term for the Spirits of the Dead. It was believe that a human being has a soul or spirit contained in its physical host (the human body), but when it dies, its soul departs and exists in another dimension or level of existence, which is referred to as the Astral Plane. However, in some instances, the soul fails to entirely part the Physical Plane and causes them to get stuck in between realms. This erroneous departure is often caused by a trauma or a tragedy, but to some extent, is influenced by some other spirits. And, because of this, the spirit of the dead continues to roam the plane of the living, and sometimes manifest through some unknown process that even our science have not yet managed to understand.

Types of Ghosts

Upon further research, our team manage to find some interesting facts about ghosts. We learned that there are actually different types of ghosts. Their type are based on their type of manifestations, which were fundamentally based from accounts of people who had the same type of encounter.

The Wandering Type

This is quiet strange, but these type of ghosts could actually interact with the physical world, and sometimes were thought to be alive, only to found out later that they had been long dead.

We cannot find any concrete explanation to this one, but we do have a hypothesis. We base our hypothesis on Hans Holzer's perception. Note that Han Holzer is a veteran ghost hunter who seems to understand something about ghosts. He said that a ghost is a human being who has passed out of the physical body, usually in a traumatic state and is not usually aware of his true condition. We find this true since some wandering ghosts were claimed to interact with the living as if they were really alive.

We believe that a human being is a multidimensional being. His/her level of existence is affected by his/her belief. We have found people who could levitate, and move objects by believing that he/she could do it. Now, such is the power of belief that a man could defy some laws of nature, and if this could happen to a living person, the same goes with the dead. A soul who believed that he/she is still alive could also defy the laws of the other plane, and this may well explain why he/she could manifest on this world where he/she could either be seen, heard, or both.

However, note that not all are ghosts. There are also other astral beings who could do the same, the Bible referred to this beings as the "Fallen". Some ghost hunters call them entities.

The Residual Type

Some ghosts appear to be mere recordings on the environment in which they once existed. Some examples include a Civil war soldier who could be seen on repeated occasions staring out a window at a house where he once stood guard. A dead child's laughter is heard echoing in a hallway where she often played. There are even cases of ghost cars, ships, and trains that can still be heard and sometimes seen, even though they are long gone. These type of ghosts do not interact with or seem to be aware of the living. Their appearance and actions are always the same. They are like spirit-level recordings - residual energies - that replay over and over again.

"A traumatic moment in time leaves an indelible impression on the building or area," says Strange Nation in "What is a Ghost?," "replaying itself for eternity. This could be anything from a glimpse of the past - a recreation of some traumatic or emotion-laden event - to footsteps up and down a hallway."

What causes these recordings to be made and how and why they are played back is a mystery. "How and why past events are recorded and replayed repetitiously is not understood," writes Lauren Forcella. "Whatever the actual mechanism, it apparently possesses longevity as the encore performances of a haunting can continue for decades or longer. Generally, the haunting is a fragment or portion of an actual event."

The Messenger Type

These kinds of ghosts may be the most common. These spirits usually appear shortly after their deaths to people close to them. They are aware of their deaths and can interact with the living. They most often bring messages of comfort to their loved ones, to say that they are well and happy, and not to grieve for them. These ghosts appear briefly and usually only once. It is as if they intentionally return with their messages for the express purpose of helping the living cope with their loss.

"This category commonly involves one-time visits to someone with whom the apparition has close emotional ties," says Lauren Forcella at Paranormal Investigations, who calls these ghosts "crisis apparitions." "Though the encounter usually seems to be a type of farewell, sometimes important and useful information is relayed to the 'viewer.' Though dying is the most common crisis, other life-threatening situations can also trigger apparitional visits."

Note that not all visits comes in direct contact, some may use an agent, while others communicate in a dream.

The Haunting

Ghosts exist in a kind of limbo in which they haunt the scenes of their deaths or locations that were pleasant to them in life. Very often, these types of ghosts are able to interact with the living. They are, on some level, aware of the living and react to being seen on the occasions that they materialize. Some psychics claim to be able to communicate with them. And when they do, they often try to help these spirits to understand that they are dead and to move on to the next stage of their existence.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Ghost of Jim Morrison

Just recently, our team were looking for real ghost stories, pictures, and videos, and stumbled upon this.

This picture is owned by Brett Meisner, a Rock and Roll Bad boy writer, and one of the popular Hollywood figures. Apparently, this photo was taken from Jim Morrison's grave in Paris. What you see in the picture is Brett Meisner himself, and surprisingly, someone who shouldn't be there with him.

This picture is the zoomed version of the same image. Look carefully, a strange figure forms at the doorway. This entity was believed to be the ghost of Jim Morrison. Now, who was Jim Morrison. We've also researched his background and bibliography, and this is what we found out...

About Jim Morrison

Jim Morrison's real name was James Douglas Morrison, he was an American singer, songwriter, writer, film director, and poet. He was best known as the lead singer and lyricist of the popular American rock band, The Doors, and is considered to be one of the most charismatic, unique, and influential frontmen in the history of rock music. He was also an author of several poetry books, a documentary, short film, and three early music videos ("The Unknown Soldier", "Moonlight Drive", and "People are Strange"). Morrison died in Paris on July 3, 1971, at the age of 27.

Morrison's Death and the Conspiracy

He was indeed a great man, but why would he manifest? Isn't it that ghosts appear due to an unfinished business? Could there be a reason behind?

Upon further research, we found out that in March 1971, Jim Morrison took up residence in an apartment at 17 rue Beautreillis. Once in Paris, Morrison gained a great deal of weight and shaved off his beard. By all accounts, he became very depressed, and was planning to return to the US.

However, he admired the city's architecture and would go for long walks through the city.

He died on July 3, 1971, and in one account of his death, he was found in the rue Beautreillis bathtub by Pamela Courson, Morrison's lover.

Pursuant to French law, no autopsy was performed because the medical examiner claimed to have found no evidence of foul play. The absence of an official autopsy has left many questions regarding Morrison's cause of death.

In Wonderland Avenue, Danny Sugerman discussed his encounter with Courson after she returned to the United States. According to Sugerman's account, Courson stated that Morrison had died of a heroin overdose. Courson said that Morrison inhaled the substance because he thought it was cocaine. Sugerman added that Courson had given numerous contradictory versions of Morrison's death, and at times saying that she had killed Jim, or that his death was her fault. Courson herself also died of a heroin overdose three years later. And like Morrison, she was also 27 years old at the time of her death. Coincidence?

In a July 2007 newspaper interview, a close friend of Morrison naming Sam Bernett, announced that Morrison actually died of a heroin overdose in the bathroom of the Rock n' Roll Circus nightclub, on the Left Bank in Paris. Bernett stated that Morrison had snorted heroin and was found with foam and blood coming out his mouth, with his head and arms hanging down by his legs, while sitting on the toilet. Bernett says that a doctor, who was among the patrons at the club that night, determined that Morrison had died, but other patrons disagreed and insisted that he was still alive, only unconscious. Morrison was then allegedly moved back to the rue Beautreillis apartment and dumped in the bathtub by the same two drug-dealers from whom Morrison had purchased the heroin. Bernett says that those who saw Morrison that night were sworn to secrecy, in order to prevent a scandal for the famous club, and some of the witnesses immediately left the country. Bernett has authored a book entitled The End: Jim Morrison, in which these claims are discussed in more detail. This is just the latest of many conspiracies surrounding the death of Morrison.

Proof of Authenticity

Now, if there was indeed a conspiracy, then the manifestation of Morrison's ghost could be partly justified, however, there is no assurance to this statement. The photo, however, was said to have been found authentic. So authentic that it amazes paranormal expert, Chris Fleming, who called the photo, "One of the best ever seen". This also dragged the media into investigating the story.

Here is the Site that claims to have the evidences..

This Site happens to be Brett Meisner's Site himself. Check it out yourselves guys, and be the judge.

Jim Morrison haunts Rock Fan

We recently found an update to the 1997 Père Lachaise graveyard photo story. This seems to be the latest update.

The story goes on to say that Brett Meisner have been having a lot of bad luck lately. He claimed that the photo was causing him more harm than good. "I've had strangers come to my home at all hours of the night wanting to talk to me saying they had messages from Jim," explained Meisner. "At first it was sort of interesting to see how many people felt a spiritual bond with Jim and the photo, but now, the whole vibe seems negative."

A failed marriage and the loss of a young friend to a drug overdose were just a few of the tragedies that have befallen Brett Meisner since he rediscovered the photograph. "I've lost some high paying clients and nothing but bad luck has plagued me for the past few years." A spiritual adviser and a close friend recently told Meisner that they believe the photograph is part of a curse and that he needs to find a respectful way to part with the image and bring closure to both Brett and the spirit of Morrison.

"Part of me wishes that I would have never stepped foot into the graveyard in the first place," admits Meisner. "While I also know I'm partly to blame for talking about it in the first place. I should have kept it to myself and not let the media have a field day with something so special and private.


We are not sure of what Brett Meisner was trying to pull, however, the photo was investigated and found authentic. If so, then Brett Meisner was not lying after all. Our team, however, has some questions to throw at the photo and the men behind the photo.

First of all, how sure are they that the ghost was really Jim Morrison? I mean, the ghost figure had no face.

Second, could the iconic figure be really a ghost? It could be the mist, a light projection, or was cause by some other natural phenomena. If not, then could the ghostly figure be really a ghost or an entity?

Third, if it's really Jim Morrison's ghost, what was he trying to impart? Was he trying to contact Brett Meisner? Was he asking for help?

Fourth, could the picture be really a curse? Brett had suffered unfortunate events in his life thereafter. The weirdest of it was most probably be his friend's death to a drug overdose. Now, let's recall everything that happened. Jim Morrison died of a drug overdose, Courson died of the same fate, and now, Brett's friend. Is this just a coincidence? Or maybe too coincidental?

We will attempt to delve deeper into the subject and document what we'll find as we go further. And once again, we were left with another mystery.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A reseach on Poltergeist

First of all, let's define Poltergeist. What is a Poltergeist? We have mentioned this keyword on our earlier posts but didn't say anything about it. Well, that is because we "assumed" that you guys already knew it. However, for those who do not.. let's define it.

Poltergeist comes from the german word "Poltern", which means "To knock", and "Geist" for "Spirit". This is undoubtedly the most terrifying of all known Hauntings because it has the greatest ability to affect our physical world. This unexplainable phenomenon can cause objects to move without any aid from physical forces. It is also said to cause unexplained noises such as wall-banging, rapping, footsteps, ghostly whispers, and even music. Another example of this phenomenon is in the case of mysterious thievery, in which our possessions suddenly disappear, only to return later, or sometimes may vanish forever despite of not having any actual thieves. Other phenomena include physical assaults like slapping, biting, scratching, mauling, and even rape.

Historical Findings

We've looked into history and noted some surprising documentations. We've learned that Poltergeist disturbances have occurred globally even since ancient times. Moreover, it has similar distinctive characteristics to the ones documented in the present time.

In the late 1970's, two Parapsychologists Alan Gauld and A.D. Cornell documented a lot of Poltergeist reports, and they even created an analysis out of these, the analysis became known as the Gauld-Cornell analysis. Now, note that Parapsychologists are not guileful fools. They are professors who delve in the study of Parapsychology, a branch of science involve in the study of the paranormal. These professors did not just hypothesize the whole thing, they studied and researched it. And as real scientists, they have this open-mindedness, that most skeptics, unfortunately, don't possess.

The development and increase of psychical research during the late 19th and early 20th centuries helped confirm the conviction that poltergeist activity was genuine. Among the early investigators were two founders of the Society for Psychical Research, Sir William Barrett and Fredric W. H. Meyers. Meyers believed in the genuineness of poltergeist activity and that it was distinguishable from ghost hauntings.

Poltergeist Attribution

Gauld and Cornell, in their analysis, noted the causes of a Poltergeist phenomenon, most were attributed to RSPK (Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis). Some Parapsychologists and Researchers believed that some Poltergeist phenomena were caused by the agent themselves, who were mostly teenagers, who unknowingly used the power of their minds.

Other Poltergeist phenomena were attributed to demons, witches, and spirits of the dead, although Gauld and Cornell found out that these comprise only a small percentage of the overall reports.

Our Evaluation

On one of our reports (Unexplainable phenomena and their connection to Fallen Angels), we hypothesized that the Poltergeist phenomena could be attributed to the biblical "Fallen Angels". We were right, but, we have to admit that we were not totally correct. You see, base on Gauld and Cornell's analysis report, only a small percentage of the overall reports could be attributed to the demons or Fallen Angels, and it's not enough to justify our presumptions. However, this somewhat proves our theory, if so, then no doubt, the Bible does tell the truth after all.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A further research about the Astral Plane

What is an Astral Plane? I bet you have already heard about this coined-up term from Psychics and other Paranormal Researchers, and have actually acquired a slight idea, howbeit you don't really understand what it is.

An Astral Plane is a level of existence, an extension of the world we knew, a transition place or doorway to access other planes. As said before, we have only one world or universe but this world is actually dynamic, to which it could extend to several other worlds or level of existence. To better understand it, think about it this way, you are inside your room and believed that you are indeed inside your room, but didn't you know that there's a chance that you're also in somebody's room? As in, two rooms existing in the same place at the same time? But, you didn't know that because your consciousness is focused on the world where you are right now.

Note that the other world I was referring to is the Astral Plane while your world is the Physical or Mortal Plane. When we are conscious, this is where our thoughts are concentrated, that is why we can't see the other plane. However, there are actually gifted individuals who can see both planes at the same time, and they are the Psychics.

Are there any Laws governing each Plane?

No doubt, every plane has its own rules, and it is always observed. The laws governing the Physical Plane are also known as the laws of Physics, and as for the Astral Plane, no one exactly knows what are they, but one thing is certain, it is different than that of the Physical Plane.

Crossing Planes?

We have found out that there are actually individuals who know Astral Traveling, and according to them, they have been into worlds that are different from the world we knew. One of the famous Astral Travelers is Robert Bruce, and he calls this worlds or planes -Kingdoms.

In our sleep, we also sometimes explore other planes. This is somewhat by accident, and it could be in the form of a dream or a nightmare.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Unexplainable phenomena and their connection to Fallen Angels

A spiritual entity refers to an astral being, or a being of the astral plane. And for those who do not know what is an Astral Plane: an astral plane is a parallel universe, a place connected to ours but is on another dimension. This is actually another plane of existence. You see, there is only one world but this world is actually diverse.

Now, when God created the mortal plane, He set laws to govern its functions.. that is how the laws of physics takes place, and the science we acquired were born out of it. Our science is the compendium of knowledge of our plane, this enables us to control, utilize, and to an extent, modify the properties of this world, however, the laws of nature takes precedence, and this limits what we can do with our world.

Angels, on the other hand, are the sons of God. They were created even before all things were formed. These luminous beings know and understand the very fabric of the universe, thus, they know how to harness it, and even modify its laws.

We've heard a lot of unexplainable poltergeist phenomena happening from around the world. Certain events that even our proud science could not explain, and most of the time, these reports were dismissed as hoaxes or false accounts. That may be because we could not scientifically explain them, but with over a million claims from different sources, could we still deny it?

Our team could not conclude anything right now, but we have a hypothesis that may well explain the mysterious occurrences. We believe that these events could be attributed to those who better understand the universe, entities other than God, entities none other than the angels. As we have said, these beings know how to manipulate and even change the laws of nature. So, could it be that they are involve in this mess?

We have look into many sources and found no direct answer to our question, but to our surprise, the Bible holds a tiny spec of evidence to support their existence and the scientific guess that we have come up.
When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.

Genesis 6:1-2, Holy Bible
The sons of God were the angels, but they have joined the mortals' realm even against God's will, so at one point in time, they actually lived among us! These angels mated with humans, and the offspring were the Nephilim (giants). These hybrid of angel and human are superior than ordinary mortals.

However, these angels corrupted God's creation by involving themselves in a role they are not suppose to participate. And for doing so, they were banned from heaven and remained here on earth. Howbeit in a different plane (level of existence), their presence here may be the reason why sometimes, strange events took place. You see, they had mess up with the laws of nature before, and they could do it again.

We cannot prove that they are true though, but while researching on the net, we stumbled upon certain pictures..

The picture you see on the left is a picture submitted to by an anonymous source. We don't know if it's authentic, and the author's of the site could not confirm it either, however, the entity on the picture perfectly matches the description of a "Black Lady", an entity we've heard in several accounts.

The picture on the right was taken from The mysterious light in the picture forms a figure of people.

It's premature to discuss further on this subject because we lack the information to support our hypothesis, but with what we have right now, there's a 50% chance that we are correct.

The Teresa Fidalgo Story and the Controversial Video Clip

Recently, our team stumbled upon this weird video clip entitled "Creepy Hitchhiker Chick". It's a video clip of a hitchhiker ghost captured on tape. What drew our attention is not the ghost herself, but the car accident that occurred thereafter. You see, if there's a real car accident then it's gotta be a true ghost video, that's what we thought. As for the chick, well, we cannot deny the fact that she's pretty.. yeah, pretty scary at the end!

I am not going to say if it's true or not right now, instead, our team would like you guys and gals to preview it, then, judge it yourselves. So here's the link to the video clip..

Ghostly Effects?

As we viewed the movie, our team noticed some evidences that may well relate to ghostly effects. First, we noticed an unusual disturbance with the camera when the mysterious hitchhiker entered the car, it was strong but it lasted only for a few seconds. We are not sure if it's a ghostly phenomena or a bad recording though.

Second, Teresa's pretty face changes to the face of a woman who just had an accident moments before the crash, then after that, Teresa mysteriously disappeared from her seat.

Now, note that according to ghost experts, ghosts produce a weird EMP that alters the electromagnetic field, that may explain the distorted shots, but why last only for a brief moment?

Moments before the crash, Teresa was pointing to a blind corner of the highway. She told them that she had an accident there.. and died. Was she trying to scare the passengers or was she just trying to warn these people?

Now, we've also heard many ghost stories, and ghost experiences from real people. Their story and this one seems identical, but for a ghost to manifest in front of the camera is definitely a unique one. Can they really form without a body? Can they touch objects? This leaves us with plenty of intriguing questions with probable answers that are contrary to popular ghost beliefs.

The Evaluation

We've researched the story and we cannot completely confirm, at this moment, that there really was a Teresa Fidalgo who died in an accident on that spot (Sintra, Portugal) in 1983. Furthermore, we also learned that the video clip was originally distributed by David Rebordão of A Curva Network. However, in A Curva Network, we encountered this statement from David himself:
My name is David Rebordão and I am the author and producer of the short film “A Curva”. After months of speculation, stuffed of fantastic theories about the film, the moment of the revelation arrives.

This website was created for you to know all the truth about the facts that gave rise to the most watched Portuguese short film of all time. Despite of several versions of the film that exist of for free download by available to all cybernauts, in this website you can acquire the complete version with twelve minutes of duration in DVD.

The DVD brings also an interview where I am going to relate all the trial of creation, my reactions about the spread of the film all around the world, the several forums that were created to talk about of the film, and to all the stories that were created from the imagination of the cybernauts. I also reveal the strategy that was behind the creation of the film, always with the objective of calling attention of the public for the others projects that are being developed.

I am going make movies for people; movies that can amuse.

David Rebordão

-translated from Portuguese to English language-
You know what guys, what really freaked us out is the word "Amuse". A ghost movie of an accident, for amusement? Logic dictates that if this was real, then it should be documented, researched, and not merely distributed and used for entertainment purposes. So, based on David's statement alone, we can say that it is a fake, but even so, we remained open-minded and awaits for the final verdict. Who knows what really lies in the creepy road of Sintra, Portugal..